Tuesday, February 19, 2013

Photoshop Crit Response

I feel that my crit in class on my Photoshop project went sufficiently well.  I received several comments of praise, several questions about my piece, and a few critical observations that I am going to use to improve my project.  Compared to some of my other critiques in different classes, this one went very well.  In the past I have had experiences where my class misinterpreted my concept and proceeded to bash me as a misogynist for 45 minutes.  So either I've come a long way as an artist or that class was crasy...

Monday, February 11, 2013

"Thinking About Environment" Response

After reading the article, I believe the environment contained within an image is crucial to setting the "mood" of the viewer's interpretation.  A photo with a sunrise, or puffy clouds against a clear blue sky can certainly give the image a brighter, happier feel depending on the subject.  The environment of my composite project, a tattoo shop interior, has a very sterile feel to it because of the fluorescent lighting and equipment.  I hope that as I continue to work on it, the image will become more intense while still maintaining that sterile feeling.